One of the most disappointing things in the Land is failing a refinement attempt and destroying a treasure weapon. Fear not! Your weapons have a new lease on life through the magic of the mysterious Dragon Orbs!


These Dragon Orbs are available in the Marketplace in two varieties: Red Dragon Orbs will erase all upgrades and return your weapon to the state it was in when you found it. Green Dragon Orbs are more powerful, and will return the weapon to the state it was in just before you failed the refinement, keeping all upgrades intact.

Each weapon can only be restored by a Dragon Orb once! If you lose a weapon a second time due to failed refinement, you cannot recover it by any means!


A Dragon Orb can only restore a weapon under the following conditions:


  1. You lost the weapon due to failed refinement.
  2. It is the refinement you failed most recently.
  3. You have never used a Dragon Orb on the weapon before.